In 2022, I hired a coach to help me deal with issues I had. Although these were serious issues… one might call these rich people problems.
In 2015, I had realized my days working at a day job I did not like was not going to extend into my late thirties. But in 2021, I realized that I would be able to afford anything I wanted just short of $300 dollar daily Opus One wines and private jet travel.
Before reading one check out this article.
Here are the steps I went through to uncover my personal mission and narrative:
Step 1…
- Make a list of all the things that really matter to you. What are your dreams, goals? Do not let your doubts or fears stop you. Just go for it. Have fun. The world is your oyster.
- The next exercise is to sit down and write your inner-child a letter. Tell your child everything you wanted to say to console, encourage, and cheer you on. It’s kind of like giving yourself a hug.
- Look at your list and start becoming aware of how these ideas make you feel. Are you excited? Do they inspire other ideas? Fearful?
Please take your time with this. This is your ground work. Take a few days- a week. Really dig deep and think about what matters most. Do you feel a shift inside your mind and heart?
Your Why Assignment
- Look at your what really matters list and pick the top three choices. These should be the things you feel really excited about.
- Take each of these and think about why these are so important to you? How will you feel if you accomplish these goals? How will you feel if you don’t? What is the FEELING these give you? How badly do you want this? [Note I struggled with having my own feelings]
- FEAR- False Evidence Appearing Real. Make a list of any fear associated with this list. Why or how has fear stopped you from doing these in the past, or why are you afraid of doing them right now? Don’t judge yourself, just be honest.
- Two Trees: I want you to draw two trees. One should have weeping limbs like a willow tree. This will be your negative tree. The other should have limbs that point up. This is your positive tree. On your negative tree make leaves that represent everything that is negative in your life. It may be stress, debt, drama… On the positive tree create leaves that represent things that make you happy. They may be meditation, hanging with friends, your pet.
- Put these trees somewhere you can refer to them. Whenever you feel stressed, or negative you now have the other tree to go to. Replace a negative action with a positive one. It may seem funny, but it works if you work it!
Your Plan Assignment
- Start researching anything and everything you can find on your top choices. For example: If you want to learn pottery.. google pottery lessons, suppliers, clubs, YouTube videos…
- Start networking and calling these people. A supplier of materials may have a great list of stores you’ve never heard about. Activity breeds activity. This will get you into the universe of what it is you want to do. Once you start networking you will discover people, places and things you never thought of that will help your journey.
- Start making a plan for meeting these people, taking that class, joining a club. Write it down and actually do it! Remember activity breeds activity
- Have patience. Things take time. Things unfold the way they do for reasons. If you love what you do and do what you love why be in a hurry? Patience is a virtue
- Be persistent. People are busy. They may not return that e mail or call. The squeaky door gets the grease. Go for it. You want this and you deserve it.
- Write down your vision. Write a small story about this new exciting life you’re creating. Seeing it on paper really helps take it from an idea into a reality.
Enjoying The Journey Assignment
Life is a balancing game. If one thing is out of balance the scales tip and life seems a bit off. To keep the balance you need to become aware of how you feel.
- Make a list of the main areas of your life such as job, family, friends, and I want you to write down how each of these things affects you mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
- Find a book, a YouTube channel or something that you can read or watch each morning that inspires you each day. It may be something simple like a book of positive quotes for the day. Read this daily. It’s amazing how setting the intention towards something positive in your life affects how you see things. “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”
- If you feel out of balance you can get back in balance by reading, exercising, eating good food, sleep , breathing and taking “Me time.”
We are like musical instruments- we go out of tune! Life is mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Once we become aware we are feeling ‘out of sorts’ or ‘out of balance’ we can look at how are we feeling and adjust. Just like tuning a guitar. Become aware of how you are feeling..
- Emotionally 2. Mentally 3. Physically 4. Spiritually.
To get back into balance physical exercise, rest, good food, meditation all helps.
Doing your breathing exercises also helps. Remember to be kind to yourself. Journal, think about things but don’t over-think.
Once you learn about balance you have found how to rebalance life and be happier.
Trust, Kindness, and Understanding Stress Assignment
- I’d like you to become more aware of how stress plays a role in your life.
- Make a list of what is causing you stress. What can you do to help eliminate stress in your life?
- Whatever is causing you stress ask yourself; Does this really matter?
- Google the effects of stress in your life so you know what it does to your immune system, and what others suggest to help get rid of it. It’s important to know.
- When you start living with the idea of what really matters, why, and have a game plan that supports you and that you love- your stress will be less- That’s a great thing.
Riding The Surfboard Assignment
- Make a list of what you have become more mindful and aware of during this course. What have you discovered?
- Begin to look at your day in a mindful and supportive way. Take 15 minutes of ‘Me time” and just reflect. No cell phones, or computers. Just you. There are two voices. The first is your monkey-mind that chatters away, and the second is your inner-voice which is calm, and usually has great wisdom. Silence is golden
- Make a cup of tea or coffee and pat yourself on the back. You’re doing an amazing job.
The Birds Eye View Assignment
You are already feeling clearer, more positive, and already creating the life you love.
- The last thing I’d like you to do is to step back and take a birds eye view of life. How has your life changed? Has life become easier, more exciting?
- It’s a good idea to continue to go back over these lessons from time to time, because life shifts as you’ve already discovered.
- Stay fluid, stay flexible. Life is a canvas and you are the artist. Be kind to yourself. Go easy. Breathe. Ride the surfboard!
I want to thank you for taking this course. It is a privilege to help you discover and create a life you love. I’d love to hear about all the wonderful things that are happening along your journey.
“Go in peace, not in pieces”