BONUS – Richard Duncan Market Updates

There are a lot of news out there. Much of it is either too slow, mainstream, or straight fake-news. In addition, may Gurus out there are just out there to scare you into thinking that the world is coming to an end and to by the way buy gold from their company 😉

Richard Duncan is a figure out there that we listen to who is sort of on the perma-bear side however offers good economic predictions. I would also caution that economists are not investors or operators and they are a kin to weathermen – where they make predictions and never suffer consequences if their guess wrong.

Use code “LANE” for 50% off the Macro Watch!

Bookmark this section to check back on a quarterly basis as we input our notes from Mr. Duncan’s guidance.

Mastermind members: We do Bi-Monthly Watch/Study parties where we catch up on the Duncan videos and share notes and comments in an informal Zoom setting.

The following are notes from his previous presentations:

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