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17.3 – Are You Stuck?

What is holding you back?


Now you don’t have to be like Timothy Kim and spend $70,000 on coaching in six months.

After I joined Collective Genius in 2019. I surpassed $100,000 in mastermind and coaching.

But consider what is at stake and that starting out you don’t know what you don’t know. After all these calls I can’t tell you how many do-it-yourselfers who say they are going to just YouTube/Podcast their way through it fail. I know because I follow up with these people and if they would have just paid for a little bit of guidance in the beginning they would have saved so much costs and time.

  • Real estate investing is a business.
  • You must decide if this is the right business for you.
  • Your mentor will have experience; you don’t.
  • Your mentor can show you how to do a market analysis.
  • Your mentor can assist in negotiating the purchase and sale of investment properties.
  • Your mentor can recommend appropriate renovations and upgrades.
  • Your mentor can assist you in obtaining suitable financing.
  • Your mentor can help you raise money by providing you guidance on syndication.
  • Your mentor can help improve your clarity, conciseness, and confidence.
  • Your mentor can help you articulate your goals and appropriate strategies.
  • Your mentor can help you get off the sidelines and into action.
  • Your mentor can help you start building your team.
  • Your mentor can install confidence and dissipate fear.
  • A mentors knows what you don’t even know you don’t know.
  • A mentor can help accelerate your performance.
  • A mentor can improve your credibility with lenders, brokers, and sellers.
  • A mentor can potentially saving you from losing thousands of dollars in an inappropriate deal.
  • A mentor can guide you through strategic negotiation and deal structuring.
  • Already have the experience? Let’s team up!
  • Passive Investor Accelerator & Mastermind



Check out his books here and here.