There are many great apps, websites and resources that are available to help you conduct market research, analyze properties and manage your rentals. Here are my all-time favorites:
11. eChecks: These days you can send checks through e-mail for an affordable price. This will save you time and get your payment out quicker.
12. aFax: If you don’t have a fax machine at home, you can use your phone to fax over important documents.
15. Lane’s Recommended REI Books
16. SPC Investor Friend Finder
17. Free Tax/Legal Strategy Session offer
19. Self Direct your retirement account – QRP (Free book offer)
20. Cost Segregations for Single Family homes or Assets under $2M
21. Roofstock (Turnkey Rentals) – a great place to sell properties to unsophisticated buyers. Incubator student will be provided Turnkey providers.