19.05.14 – Shopping Center Business – Express Car Washes Are A Bright Choice For Net Lease Investors
19.05.14 – GlobeSt – Car Washes Are Outshining Their Net Lease Competitors
I have even purchased a turnkey Coffee farm in Panama.
Check out my growing repository of things to invest in here. And all the exotic stuff you never knew about.
If you had anything to add let me know I am always looking to learn and connect with more investors like you. This is why it’s so important to get around the right people at say an SPC Nation event… and not a local REI which is typically a bunch of broke people.
I don’t own my primary residence. In fact, I believe homeownership is one thing that financially shackles most people from growing their net worth. It is my mission to dispel these money myths.
On the one hand, it is a forced saving account but do the math and it does not make sense.