Glossary, QRPs, Dreaming About Firing the Boss

Getting Started

If you are new to real estate investing (less than 6 months in) please do not invest with me or anyone else until you have built relationships with at least a couple of other high net worth passive investors (not including me) who are not positioned to make a referral fee or sell you something.

The reason my deal vetting today is so strong is because I started building my network the right way with quality relationships. Until you have your own network everyone who pitches you a deal will sound friendly and seem like a good place to invest. Be skeptical and take your time. Don’t be like me back in 2013 where I lost all my money in one of my first deals because I did not have a solid relationship with the operator/sponsor or had a network to vet the operator/sponsor.

Investing With a Significant Other

Also before you book an on-boarding call with me please make sure you and your spouse are aligned. I don’t want to be the one who gives you all these alternative ideals and starts a fight at home. Not aligned yet?… read this post.

More semi-useful info to be 1% better every-other everyday

Videos from our 2021 Retreat:

  • When investing with a spouse, it’s important to have a plan when managing finances and investing. 
  • Every couple is different,
  • We discuss different strategies on how to talk finances with your significant other
  • Recap of Breakouts –

Most so-called investors make the mistake of not looking at their return on equity. They focus on paying off debt which is the wrong way that hurts your progression to financial freedom. People need to let go of the old financial wisdom and emulate what healthy businesses do and optimize their return on equity while, having adequate cashflow incase of a market dip, and maximizing their net worth growth (after all that is the score/goal). 


Discover your CORE value as a family!

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You don’t need to invest in retirement funds!

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